Manuela Fernandez
At IGD until 2015


(2014) Panelist of Panel Session “Faire du terrain dans les villes du Sud”, in Villes, Urbanisation et Développement lesson, Master in Geography, Development Specialization-UNIL, 23 October 2014

(2013) Co-Organizer of Public Course “Risques climatiques: sommes-nous prêts?” UNIL, 4 December 2013

(2013) Co-Organizer of International workshop “Linking sustainable development, global migration, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction – identifying emerging issues”, UNIL, 2-4 December 2013,

(2011) Chair of the workshop “L’interdisciplinarité dans la gestion des territoires” in Public Geographies, Residential Seminar CUSO Géographie, Biel, Switzerland, 8-10 June

(2009) Panelist of the“Roundtable debate between honourable Al Gore and The young generation “ Cross border, cross generation: how to re-think our world?”Uni Dufour, Geneva, 10 July